kill button on Gnome

Mika Suomalainen mika.henrik.mainio at
Mon Apr 30 09:31:19 UTC 2012


On 30.04.2012 11:01, oxy wrote:
> Hi,
> in old fvwm2 one could create a button called kill,
> you click that and click on the window you wanna kill.
> Why dont create sth like that on ubuntu?
> Since Unity there are several windows getting hard
> to kill. They dont have a menu on themselves or on the
> desktop top bar. They even dont have the
> kill-minimize-maximaze (X -  []) buttons to get closed.
> Last example now was with the office Impress
> color replacer.
> I'll create such button on my desktop.

You can use alt+f2 and run "xkill" or use .

Mika Suomalainen
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