Thunderbird Upgrade - Should I?

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Apr 17 01:42:07 UTC 2012

On 04/16/2012 04:58 PM, Jared Greenwald wrote:
> There is a nightly ppa for Thunderbird.

Perhaps you mean 'Daily':

So you're running TB 14.x eh? How do you like it so far?

You could of course install the Mozilla Nightlies:
This directory contains precompiled binaries of Thunderbird. These are
NIGHTLY BUILDS.  They are completely untested. We don't even know if
they start up without crashing.

DO NOT DOWNLOAD THESE unless you have first read all of and fully understood the

Just change from 'release' to 'nightly'. But I
wouldn't recommend the OP do that.

As mentioned by Patton there is a "PPA" for "stable"
But one has to wonder why anyone would require a PPA simply to keep
updated. You do realize that PPA "Personal" Package Archive... right?
That means if Chris Coulson goes walkabout, you'd receive no further
"stable" updates. I suppose you could try to track down one of the
Mozilla Team Members:
Good luck with that...

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