.nws file to html converter

Bill Stanley bstanle at wowway.com
Fri Apr 6 16:30:22 UTC 2012

< snip >

 > Appears to be a standard message/rfc822 file type:
 > http://extension.nirsoft.net/nws
 > Why not just open it in OpenOffice/LibreOffice and save as an HTML?

Yes, it seems to be a standard file extension so it seems to be a 
logical ploy and I tried before putting it up to the forum.  Open Office 
can not open the file.


( To let others see what I am up against, I am attaching the file. 
Again, the file is created by "Print shop" ( Adobe?).)

It seems that the mailing list doesn't allow attachments.  This is a 
repeat of my reply without the attachment.

Bill Stanley

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