how to save back /bin

Koh Choon Lin 2choonlin at
Thu Sep 29 18:43:43 UTC 2011


>>> I accidentally delete all the files below /bin.
>>> I reboot my livecd and copy /bin in livecd to my partition.
>>> but it complaint that cannot find glibc2.0.
>>> I don't want to to reinstall my system and I just want to know is
>>> there easiest way to restore /bin/*.
>>> Appreciate your help,
>> You can try to reinstall over your existing partition. All your
>> configuration would be intact. Should take less than half an hour.
> so you mean I only need to reinstall the ubuntu on the same partition,
> after rebooting, everything will be like before?
> No need to apt-get install packages I installed before?
> Appreciate your help,

No, unfortunately. You will need to install them again if you chose this method.

Koh Choon Lin

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