[OT] get rid of OT

rikona rikona at sonic.net
Thu Sep 29 15:59:57 UTC 2011

Hello Mihamina,

Thursday, September 29, 2011, 8:40:14 AM, Mihamina wrote:

> On 09/29/2011 06:42 PM, rikona wrote:
>>> Feel free to begin at any time. Give us a shout when you're ready...
>>> >  On a less flippant note,
>> On a serious note - if I had the ability to do so, it would already be
>> operational. Can YOU do that for us? It would be much more useful than
>> a flippant answer...

> http://groups.google.com/group/ubuntu-list
> And come on, let's go!

If it were a real mailing list, I'd already be subscribed. A forum?
Forget it... not worth the extra effort compared to a mailing list.
Why not set up a REAL email list instead? I'll be your first
subscriber. :-))



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