Boot delay 2.0

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Thu Sep 29 12:10:14 UTC 2011

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 1:20 AM, Juan <molaxp at> wrote:

> ¡Hola gente!
> We as the subject says this time I will ask about a boot delay on my HP
> Compaq d530 (PIV 3GHz HT, 2GB RAM).
> The machine go to a dark screen after the BIOS check that last 30-40segs.
> No GRUB menu, no splash. Only black until the login screen pop up.

Boot with noquiet nosplash and see what the machine is doing during this
phase. I'd guess at ureadahead but only watching the process or picking
through dmesg will tell you for sure.

> --


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