What does means "Re: <slightly OT>...." in the subject ? ...

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Tue Sep 27 10:33:02 UTC 2011

On 09/27/2011 04:56 PM, Alan Pope wrote:
> On 27 September 2011 09:48, Jared Norris<jrnorris at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> To put it simply,<OT>  means the email is off topic and is an
>> admission from those who use it that they really shouldn't be emailing
>> the list with whatever the topic of the email is going to be about.
> Best. Description. Ever.
> :D
> Al.
Okay guys, no more attaching or modifying subject lines with <OT>.  ;)

cackle cackle - Goh Lip

Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate.

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