Windows 8's use of the UEFI Secure Boot

Goh Lip g.lip at
Tue Sep 27 02:58:33 UTC 2011

On 27/09/11 02:49, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 11:47:19AM +0800, Goh Lip wrote:
>> I have it running in BIOS msdos partitioned disk and it gets booted
>> up by grub2. I'll bet it will run in UEFI gpt partitioned disk and
>> be able to be booted up by grub2. (an article claimed it can only be
>> booted on UEFI gpt partition - it may happen the 'final release'
>> could -doubt so- but the 'developer preview' doesn't.)
> I'm pretty sure that, by the time all this reaches final deployment,
> GRUB 2 will not be able to boot Windows 8 under UEFI.  That would be far
> too easy a workaround ...

"That would be far too easy a workaround ..."
By this, do you mean that it would be easy to workaround such that grub2 
can still boot Windows 8?

That it will be easy for Microsoft to workaround the UEFI 'architecture' 
such that it is impossible for grub2 to boot Windows 8 if Microsoft 
choose to do so?

>> If another article claims that the security feature is a UEFI
>> feature and not Microsoft related, note that grub2 is CA-certified
>> and this implies grub2 can boot Windows 8. (grub-legacy is not
>> CA-certified)

Perhaps this would explain better...

but granted, it may be interpreted that Microsoft uses CA-certification 
to block other boot-loaders booting it.

Still, it is inconceivable that Microsoft would want to 'lock itself' 
out of the substantive and lucrative upgrade market.

> I'm a GRUB 2 developer and I have no idea what that means.  Could you
> elaborate?

Yes, I know, you're the head honcho. Appreciate what you've done.

> Thanks,

Thanks and regards - Goh Lip
When you cease to seek happiness, you will find it.

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