users and groups help

Ioannis Vranos ioannis.vranos at
Sat Sep 24 13:53:44 UTC 2011

> On Sep 24, 2011 12:34 AM, "Knute Johnson" <ubuntu at> wrote:
> I've found something I thought I understood but now I don't.  I have a
> directory that is chmod 770 and owned by camera:camera.  I have made myself
> a member of the group camera.  Should I not be able to cd into the
> directory?

No, chmod 770 is equivalent to chmod u=rwx,go=0.

If you want the group to have read/write access to the directory, and
be able to see the directory when listing filesand directories, you
should give as root:

chmod g=rwx DirectoryName or

chmod g+rwx DirectoryName

Ioannis Vranos

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