Nvidia driver problem

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Sep 24 02:03:10 UTC 2011

On 09/22/2011 09:47 PM, Jon Anderson wrote:
> when I lspci -v I get kernal driver in use  -Nvidia, under that is says 
> Kernal modules and list nvidia- current( the one I thought I 
> needed)nvidia-173, nouveau, nvidiafb---I think the nvidia-current is 
> 270.41.06 and it shows that that is not the one in use. In additional 
> drivers program it list two drivers Nvidia-current and nvidia-173. I 
> have activated the nvidia- (version current) [recommended] and it has 
> the green dot verifying that it is activated . But right across the top 
> it says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system and at the 
> bottom of additional drivers it says this driver is activated but not 
> currently being used.
>      I'm trying to get this system not to freeze ,it won't work but a 
> few minutes in normal video configeration, I have to select the lower 
> video level when I boot and then on the last page i select back to x and 
> that is the only way it will work for 1/2 hour -2 hours then it also 
> freezes.

Where did you get the nvidia 270 driver from? In
System|Administration|Additional Drivers, what is the *exact* wording?

BTW: jockey (that additional drives program) has issues with failing to
identify nvidia drivers:
[nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not
being used by jockey-gtk ]

For example, I have nvidia 96 (via Ubuntu) installed and working just
fine on Natty. However when I use the above it shows "No proprietary
drivers are in use on this system). Well you could fool me, as I do have
nvidia-96 working, compiz is working, System|Administration|NVIDIA X
Server Settings tells me its working, but jockey does not. What do you
get when from a terminal you:

$ /usr/bin/nvidia-settings

X Server Information.

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