Thunderbird 7 on Ubuntu Oneiric

Mihamina Rakotomandimby mihamina at
Wed Sep 21 14:13:26 UTC 2011

On 09/21/2011 04:26 PM, Mike Conley wrote:
> The default theme for Thunderbird was modified per Canonical's request,

Thank you, Mike, for your answer.

Goodwin, as you can see, it's not a beta nor windows matter...

> in order to make Thunderbird fit in better with their default theme.
> This was one of the requirements for making Thunderbird the Ubuntu
> default e-mail client.


> If you'd like to get the original icons back, you have a few options:
> 1) Download and install Thunderbird directly from Mozilla, and bypass
> Canonicals packaging.
> 2) Install the "GNOME" or "Humanity" themes for Thunderbird.

I'll choose the safe opion 3) to display just the text part of the 
buttons for the moment.
I'll see later if if the other buttons get gray too, I might force with "2)"

Thank you all.


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