When dpkg install a package, when popularity-contest work, when I copy a file on Hard Disk, I can't use my computer, all interfaces are freeze

Pop Horea-Vasile pop.horea at lnxopensource.com
Tue Sep 20 13:35:38 UTC 2011

On 09/20/2011 04:27 PM, Stéphane Klein wrote:
> Le 20/09/2011 15:13, Alan Pope a écrit :
>> On 20 September 2011 14:07, Stéphane Klein<stephane at harobed.org>  wrote:
>>> When dpkg install a package, when poplarity-contest is executed I 
>>> can do
>>> nothing, worse sometime I can move the mouse cursor !
>>> I use Ubuntu 11.04 on MacBook3,1 (120Go at 5400 rpm).
>>> What can I do to fix this issue ?
>> This article may help, although I have not seen the issue and not
>> tried what it suggests, the comments look hopeful:-
>> http://techtitbits.com/2010/04/get-rid-of-freeze-ups-during-disk-io-activity-in-ubuntu/ 
> Not success for me.
> When I copy a big file, my system is always unusable same with
> echo "deadline" | sudo tee /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
> Regards,
> Stephane
I did a search on the net and found that you macbook has 1 GB RAM and 
144 MB VRAM. In my opinion first you should have at least 2 GB RAM if 
you want to operate well under 11.04. I have the same version of Ubuntu 
installed with 2.8 GB RAM  and it work just fine. BUT if want to use 
virtualbox running oneiric ocelot or other any new OS I must have 4GB 
RAM installed. After you have 2-3-4 GB RAM start thinking about HDD.

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