unknown command vbeinfo (changing splashscreen) in 11.04
Goh Lip
g.lip at gmx.com
Mon Sep 19 16:54:06 UTC 2011
On 09/20/2011 12:25 AM, Abhishek Dixit wrote:
> upon rebooting I checked vbeinfo command on grub shell and
> on grub> prompt vbeinfo got
> error:uknown command vbeinfo
> but upon reboot I did not had any kind of image on the grub screen as
> I had expected.
> What possibly more is required to be done?
I've never used any splash/image on grub (or worry much for the OS
splash, come to think of it), but I think what happens is that your
screen is not set to what the grub vbe can handle, meaning the "gfxmode"
To check what grub can handle (which is different from your OS screen
resolution), at grub prompt (grub>), the command "vbeinfo" should list
all available resolutions for grub and you must use only what is listed
there (it's a long list) for your splash image.
But since you said it returns error message, suggest you try "insmod
vbe" before doing this.
grub> insmod vbe
grub> pager=1 (#long list: so you can scroll)
grub> vbeinfo
Then select one resolution that correspond to your chosen image at the
gfxmode part. Don't forget to update-grub.
Good luck - Goh Lip
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