synaptic still bonkers

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Sep 19 06:47:44 UTC 2011

On 19 September 2011 01:42, wayward4now <wayward4now at> wrote:
> [...]
> MAYBE someone will come up with a "traditional style" theme for Gnome 3 to
> make it act like Gnome 2 and then everyone will be happy? That would make
> sense, and not run off the original villagers. Ric

Am I the only one here who actually thinks that Unity is a Good Thing?
 The "Average Users" that I support (ie non geeks) really like its
simplicity for using the half dozen apps they regularly use.  That
covers the majority of users, though not the majority or readers here
I imagine.

For myself I think the main thing lacking is gui tools for configuring
the launcher items, including the setup of quicklinks (so right click
turns them into single level menus).  For example I have setup a
Terminal launcher with shortcuts to ssh into each of the machines I
support, so right click gives me a list of them and I can get a
terminal window open on any of them with two clicks.  I hope someone
is in the process of developing such an app.

I also like the quick way I can open apps not in the launcher, so to
open calculator for example I hit Super key and type cal Enter and I
am there.  Much quicker than finding it in some menu or other.


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