mails from list are coming with warning on gmail

Dejan Ribič dejan.ribic at
Sat Sep 17 19:32:00 UTC 2011

Dne 17.9.2011 21:13, piše Ric Moore:
> On Sat, 2011-09-17 at 20:27 +0200, Nichlas Hummelsberger wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 20:19, Ric Moore<wayward4now at>  wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2011-09-17 at 13:21 +0200, Sven Aluoor wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Jared Norris<jrnorris at>  wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for bringing this up, it has been reported to the Canonical
>>>>> staff running the mailing lists a couple of weeks ago. It is across
>>>>> all * mailing lists and is being worked on. From what
>>>>> I've been told it's not going to be a quick fix either but at least
>>>>> they are aware of it and working towards a solution.
>>>> This problem exist an every mailing list I have in my Gmail inbox. Its
>>>> not only ubuntu-users at
>>> I have several gmail accounts, and have never seen that warning yet.
>>> Using Evolution. Ric
>> It is only shown in the following conditions:
>> Mail is send to the list from a gmail account.
>> Mail is received from the list on a gmail account.
>> It seems like google can spot that the mail is originally from google,
>> but has been modified before being received on another google account.
>> Google *should* be able to handle these cases, as the mail is also
>> recognized by google as being sent from an email list.
>> But i guess they chose to spam us with warnings instead.
> Weird, I send from a gmail account and it comes back to my gmail
> account, but I never see these warnings. Jus' wondering... perhaps
> because our group is in my address book that it is not flagged for me?
> Ric

   I see those warnings only if I open gmail through web interface( ) if i use any program TB, Evolution, ... I don't get 
the warning.



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