Netbook suggestions?

Jeffrey Gray chevy4x4burb at
Sat Sep 17 12:30:51 UTC 2011

Well, I ended up getting the Gateway.  Wen I went to Best Buy they had three
on the shelf for me to choose from.  One was a Toshiba, one a HP, and one a
Gateway LT2802u.  The Toshiba was the one that I had been eyeing
online...But the Gateway sold me on the fact that it was a little lighter, a
little smaller (keeping the same 10.1" screen), and the biggest is the shift
key is a longer rectangular form rather then the others that had a smaller
square key.  I don't have a lot of experience typing on these small
keyboards other then my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 which I bought the Samsung
keyboard dock and the shift key is my most difficult to hit.  I put natty on
it last night and it works great.

Hopefully I made a good choice.  I was a little learey as I have not
forgotten Gateway's past financial problems.  I did not want to buy the HP
because their value is tanking over questionable business decisions.

Anyone with any thoughts?  Should I take it back?

On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 6:37 AM, Ioannis Vranos <ioannis.vranos at>wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Jeffrey Gray <chevy4x4burb at>
> wrote:
> > My Inspiron 1525 is dying a slow death and I want to replace it with a
> small
> > netbook.  No larger then a 10.1" screen.  Any suggestions on one that
> will
> > be highly compatible with Ubuntu?
> I haven't seen any brand not working with Ubuntu. The one I recommend
> is Toshiba.
> Keep in mind, that usually the current-version-of-Ubuntu doesn't work
> OK with all new laptop's features, but the next version does.
> --
> Ioannis Vranos
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