[OT] - Netflix

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 15 00:23:21 UTC 2011

On 09/12/2011 06:25 PM, Juan wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> Today Netflix was launched to the Caribbean. I signed up for a free 
> trial this morning only to discover that Linux is not a supported OS. No 
> streaming.
> Searched and the only workaround is a virtual machine. Correct or I am 
> wrong?
> My system don't has resources to run two OS virtualized or even dual 
> boot. It's a waste of resources only to see some show weekends.

What exactly are the system resources on your system?

It's easy to determine if you can please do the following:

$ sudo lshw > lshwjuan.txt
$ gedit lshwjaun.txt

Then from gedit copy & paste the contents (Ctrl-a & then Ctrl-c) into
the 'Content' box at:


Put your name in the 'Poster' box and click 'Paste!'. Then please post
the resulting URL here. Also add the output of:

$ sudo fdisk -l

when you do. Thanks.

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