[OT] - Netflix

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Tue Sep 13 14:29:52 UTC 2011

On 09/13/2011 09:04 AM, Mike McGinn wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 13, 2011 09:37:36 Bruce Pieterse wrote:
>> On Sep 13, 2011 3:18 PM, "Hal Burgiss"<hal at burgiss.net>  wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 8:41 AM, Bruce Pieterse<octoquadza at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> On Sep 13, 2011 2:29 PM, "Hal Burgiss"<hal at burgiss.net>  wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Hunter Poe<poe.hunter at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>>> Here's what I really don't get is last time I visited their site on
>> Ubuntu and they told me Chrome OS was a supported platform. I could be
>> wrong but my understanding is that Chrome OS is a Linux distro that is
>> proprietary, or at very least uses the Linux kernel. So why the heck
>> doesn't it work on Ubuntu?
>>>>> Interesting ...
>> http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/2011/08/12/netflixs-chrome-os-plugin-may-be-one
>> -of-googles-first-native-client-examples/
>>>>> Hal,
>>>> You could try a user agent switcher in firefox to emulate another
>>>> browser
>> and/or OS. Most web based apps use that to distinguish if the user is
>> running the right os and browser in order for the site to work properly and
>> allow the service to be used.
>>>> Just remember that you won't be able to contact support if the above
>>>> does
>> work to some degree as they already have warned you that it won't work with
>> Linux.
>>>> Good Luck!
>>> Well, in this case you need Silverlight (or other approved DRM
>> technology). If its just a user agent setting, the world would have known
>> about that years ago.
>>> --
>>> Hal
>>> --
>>> ubuntu-users mailing list
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>> Lol, true. I'm not familiar with the service and wasn't aware that it
>> required silverlight. My apologies.
> There is something called "moonlight" is lucid which is a silverlight clone.

Didn't work for me on my machine. Netflix didn't recognize it.


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