[OT] - Netflix

Hunter Poe poe.hunter at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 04:15:47 UTC 2011

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 9:07 PM, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> On 09/12/2011 07:55 PM, compdoc wrote:
> >>Huh?
> >>
> >>I run multiple Win VM's via VirtualBox and VMWare Player and
> >>*none* of them use RDP  or VNC (unless I enable such).
> >
> > Surprised you didn't know - qemu-KVM uses VNC on the console, or you can
> > access with RPD. I think Xen is similar. This is typical, as I said. I
> > didn't say this was the only way.
> None of my systems use qemu-KVM. I think you are confused regarding a
> Virtual Machine. I need none of those to access & use; in fact I've 3
> WinXP VM's up now. All I need to do is switch to the desktop window that
> is running the VM. There is *no* RDP, *no* VNC, *no* qumu-KVM involved.
> None. Nadda. Zip.
> >
> > So what protocol does VirtualBox use? Why not just explain?
> Because I'm not sure just what you want explained. I can access all of
> my ports, network, etc., with my VM's. These include SCSI, USB, HDMI, etc.
> >
> > By the way, those urls you posted suggest large amounts of ram to make it
> > work. The OP mentions low resources.
> I wasn't disputing that; I was questioning if/what you know what you are
> talking about regarding VM's. Do you actually have any installed?
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Here's what I really don't get is last time I visited their site on Ubuntu
and they told me Chrome OS was a supported platform. I could be wrong but my
understanding is that Chrome OS is a Linux distro that is proprietary, or at
very least uses the Linux kernel. So why the heck doesn't it work on Ubuntu?
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