How to report bug in build-deps?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Sep 10 16:16:18 UTC 2011

On 10 September 2011 16:41, Bruce Pieterse <octoquadza at> wrote:
> --
> Bruce
> On Sep 10, 2011 5:20 PM, "Colin Law" <clanlaw at> wrote:
>> When one does
>> sudo apt-get build-dep <some_app>
>> it should install all the packages to allow that app to be built.  How
>> do I report a bug in the build dependencies list for an app (there are
>> some deps missing).
>> Do I just report it against the app itself?
>> Google has failed me, or perhaps more accurately I have failed to
>> persuade google to help.
> Hi Colin,
> What application are you trying to install and what does apt-get say for the
> dependencies?

I think you have misunderstood my problem.  I am not attempting to
install an app, but install the *build* dependencies for the app, and
the build dependencies have missing packages.  So I want to report
that as a bug.

It is not relevant to my question but the app I am trying to build is
gnucash and the missing packages are libtool swig libgtkhtml3.14-19
libgtkhtml3.14-dev and libenchant-dev


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