whether my system is 32 bit o 64 bit?

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 30 09:12:27 UTC 2011

On 30 October 2011 08:48, Linux Tyro <ubuntu.bkn at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/10/30 Hakan Koseoglu <hakan at koseoglu.org>
>> > i686 is it 64 bit?
>> 32 bit.
> Okay.
> But why was I confused, as read on net (google) that when invoked the
> command:
> myfamily at myfamily-desktop:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
> The output has one of the lines as follows:
> 'model name    : Intel(R) Pentium(R)  CPU       E5200  @ 2.50GHz'
> and it was written that E5200 was 64 bit, but as confirmed by the command
> ('i686'), now its 32 bit.

uname is telling you which version of Ubuntu you have installed,
cpuinfo is telling you about the processor.  The 32 bit version of
Ubuntu that you have installed will run on 32 or 64 bit processors.


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