SDL 1.2+OpenGL(R) - Ubuntu 11.10 - App Won't Build???

David Shochat david.shochat at
Fri Oct 28 19:01:28 UTC 2011

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Jesse Palser <SLNTHERO at> wrote:
> SDL 1.2+OpenGL(R) - Ubuntu 11.10 - App Won't Build???
> Hi,
> Trying to build a demo of a game my team is working on now.
> Game is: "TetriCrisis 4 100% A.I.".
> Game uses the following:
> - SDL 1.2
> - SDL_Image
> - SDL_Mixer
> - OpenGL(R)
> Game's source code builds and runs on Windows(R) XP/Vista/7,
> but on Ubuntu 11.10 it won't build and displays hundreds of errors in
> Terminal.
> ( errors are related to both SDL and OpenGL(R) )
> I've installed via Package Manager SDL 1.2, SDL_Image, SDL_Mixer,
> SDL_TTF(plus dev libs), G++.
> The method to build the game demo on Linux is via a MakeFile.
> (the above build configuration worked on older Ubuntu 11.04, but not new
> 11.10)
> Was hoping someone could help me build the game demo on Ubuntu 11.10?
Normally, you should re-run the configure script, which generates a
new Makefile that is correct for the new environment (and should give
you useful error messages if something is missing).
-- David

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