I'm switching over to lubuntu11.10

Jon Anderson jbander at izoom.net
Fri Oct 28 04:34:57 UTC 2011

If you just want to use the Lubuntu desktop, you don't need to reinstall.

First, upgrade to 11.10 using update-manager. When it's done, reboot
into 11.10 and do

apt-get install lubuntu-desktop

Log out (or better still reboot) and you will find that the Lubuntu
desktop is now an option on the login screen.

You don't need the ISO that you downloaded - not unless you want to
dual-boot between Ubuntu and Lubunt

You say"
First, upgrade to 11.10 using update-manager. When it's done, reboot
into 11.10 and do"

You mean yo use the update manager to upgrade to ubuntu 11.10 first ? By the way thanks I was getting a head ache trying to figure everything else out. Your way is a lot easier.

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