I'm switching over to lubuntu11.10

James Freer jessejazza3.uk at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 23:39:40 UTC 2011

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:14 AM, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27 October 2011 23:25, Jon Anderson <jbander at izoom.net> wrote:
>>  I'm switching from ubuntu 11.04 to lubuntu 11.10 ,I have it downloaded and
>> it is in the download file or program (under tools), Now what do i do to
>> load it. or update ubuntu 11.04.
> If you just want to use the Lubuntu desktop, you don't need to reinstall.
> First, upgrade to 11.10 using update-manager. When it's done, reboot
> into 11.10 and do
> apt-get install lubuntu-desktop
> Log out (or better still reboot) and you will find that the Lubuntu
> desktop is now an option on the login screen.
> You don't need the ISO that you downloaded - not unless you want to
> dual-boot between Ubuntu and Lubuntu.

I'd recommend you add
apt-get install xubuntu-desktop as well

You could compare the two lightweights and i think you'd prefer xubuntu.


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