Linux Mint

Ernest Doub hideserted at
Tue Oct 25 19:13:57 UTC 2011

Posted where my tablet put it.
Sometimes you need to recognize that a line of development has reached the
point where you either say enough, any more is just gilding the lilly,   or
it is time to try something else.
F or a lot of people heirarchical menus just works.  Like the wheel.
Others insist on trying to invent something  new  just for change sake, not
recognizing that the newest change adds nothing to productivity or utility.
Nothing you say will convince those who advocate change just for the sake of
change to stop trying to reinvent the wheel.
Time and the marketplace will eventually sort it out..
 On Oct 25, 2011 2:41 AM, "Douglas Saylor" <absdoug at> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 12:19 PM, David Shochat <david.shochat at>
> wrote:
> > the thing I like least is that there's no way to select applications from
> hierarchical menus
> One of the things I INSTANTLY liked about Mint was hierarchical menus.
> Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I feel it's fair to say
> Unity sucks. I thought some people early in the 11.04 release
> complained without giving it a try. Well I went 6-months: they were
> right.
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