Why not try Ultimate Edition of Ubuntu...

Larry Shields larryesu at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 18:10:29 UTC 2011

On 10/25/2011 12:59 PM, Rashkae wrote:
> On 10/25/2011 01:49 PM, Larry Shields wrote:
>> *Yes but it sure beats Unity...They are allways upgrading too...
>> Larry
>> *
> I'm as.. disappointed with Unity as anyone.  But ducking your head in 
> the sand and downgrading to a year old distro is not going to fix 
> anything, only defer the problem to another day.  Sooner or later, 
> you'll have to wake up and realize and Gnome 2 doesn't exist anymore, 
> and need to decide what to do with your desktop next.
*Well I am not ducking my head at all, it is one thing if it works then 
so be it, but if not go to what ever does and be happy...

It works for me, and I'll stick with it...So to each his own right...


Powered by Debian/GNU/Linux
by Ubuntu ver 10.4 Ultimate Edition 2.6.3
73 de Larry/wd9esu 35yr's A.R.O.

Reg# Linux User 484593

"This is Linux Country,
on a quiet night you can hear

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