Why not try Ultimate Edition of Ubuntu...
Bruce Pieterse
octoquadza at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 16:25:28 UTC 2011
On Tue 25 Oct 2011 17:58:20 SAST, Larry Shields wrote:
> *For those of you that do not like Unity why not try the Ultimate
> Edition...It works really great and I have been using it for quite
> sometime...One thing it comes with alot of app's all ready installed
> on the CD...
> Here is the link:
> http://ultimateedition.info/ultimate-edition/ultimate-edition-2-6/
> Larry
> *
> --
> Powered by Debian/GNU/Linux
> by Ubuntu ver 10.4 Ultimate Edition 2.6.3
> 73 de Larry/wd9esu 35yr's A.R.O.
> Reg# Linux User 484593
> "This is Linux Country,
> on a quiet night you can hear
> GPG Fingerprint: A4D2 BFC2 B21B 8F7A C336 EFDC 7039 3CA5 3332 076E
> Public Key available from subkeys.pgp.net
Thanks Larry,
I'm on the hunt for an alternate distro/desktop environment. So far I'm
pretty impressed with XFCE and it only took 30 minutes to poke around
and like :)
Best of luck,
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