Lost Unity

Ioannis Vranos ioannis.vranos at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 20:17:57 UTC 2011

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 10:56 PM, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi David,
> unity --reset did not work, see my other message for the list of errors.
> Since this is a test install in VBox with nothing important in it if I can't
> easily fix it I will do the reinstall.  Just trying to find an easy way to
> fix it if it happens in the future with something that matters.
> Thanks,  Jim

1. After you boot Ubuntu, do NOT login to the graphical login manager.

2. Change to another console, like the second one, by pressing the
corresponding keys for VirtualBox (I think by default it is, *right*

3. Log in with your username and password.

4. Type unity --reset.

5. Reboot.

6. Log in to graphical login manager.

7. Reboot.

You are done. I have done this to my native Ubuntu 11.10 installation
and it worked.

Ioannis Vranos


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