Adobe Viewer Problems

Kipton Moravec kip at
Mon Oct 17 18:14:42 UTC 2011

The reason I selected Linux is so I do not have to put up with Big
Corporation's BS.

Today someone sent me a PDF file in an email. 

I tried to open it with "Document Viewer" and I get a page that says 

"For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in
Acrobat 9 or Adobe Reader 9, or later."

It will not let me see the PDF file!

`So another option in my email is to Open with gv


(And the Ghostscript Message box will not let me cut and paste the
error! WHY??)

Error: /rangecheckGPL Ghostscript 8.71: Unrecoverable Error, exit code 1
in -- discardtransparancygroup

So another option is to use Gimp Image Viewer. I get the same image
about using version 9!

So I take their advice and download the file. The only instructions are
if a popup window upens and asks to save or run select run. My popup
window saya save or cancel. So I choose save.

Now I do not know what to do with the .bin file.

kip at Red:~/Downloads$ AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin
AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin: command not found

kip at Red:~/Downloads$ ./AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin
bash: ./AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin: Permission denied

kip at Red:~/Downloads$ sudo ./AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin
[sudo] password for kip: 
sudo: ./AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin: command not found

So I save it and open my Windows XP machine. To make sure the PDF File
is good.

I swear in the past day or so it upgraded Adobe Reader. It seems to
upgrade every two weeks or so. It will not open.

It says I have 8 and the current version is 10.1.1.

So I download it, and it downloads Adobe Reader which I say yes to, and
also downloads Chrome which it never asked me about. :)

It stops the upgrade until I close the window that caused this mess to
begin with.  So I close the window. It takes forever to download amd
install, (>15 minutes) and I have Fiber Optics to the house. 

Then it needs to reboot the computer. So I have to save everything I
have been working on with that computer so Adobe can make it reboot. :)

So he sent me a PDF Portfolio! Which is a PDF file with a number of
files like PDF, docx, and rtf files. (First time I have seen that and I
do not like it.)

What do I have to do to get this to work on my Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS
computer?  I obviously do not know what to do with their .bin file.




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