Window button location

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Sun Oct 16 09:08:23 UTC 2011

2011/10/16 Kevin O'Gorman <kogorman at>:
> I seem to recall that there was a thread or two on the location of buttons
> on windows when 11.04 came out, for those of us who did not qualify for
> unity and were left in gnome.

Actually the ”new” default themes with the buttons on the upper left
came with 10.04.

> I've finally realized I'll never be at peace with buttons in the upper left,

It's amazing how different people are. I love having them on the left
side. When I close several windows of different sizes, I don't need to
move the mouse very much to reach the close buttons of all the open

> but I could not find the thread with a solution.  Or the solution got lost
> in all the noise, so I didn't notice.  Or, most likely of all, I'm
> compeletely incompetent at searching.

I installed Emerald and uninstalled Metacity to make sure the buttons
stays to the left no matter what theme I use. Of course the same
solution is possible if you want them to stay at the right or in the
middle or wherever.
The only downside with this, that I've found, is that Emerald seems to
be somewhat less stable.

Maybe this is not the obvious first choice solution, but I found no
point by suggesting something that someone already suggested.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> --
> Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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