11.10 no longer supports PS/2 keyboards?

Doug dmcgarrett at optonline.net
Sat Oct 15 19:44:24 UTC 2011

On 10/15/2011 12:13 PM, Bill Stanley wrote:
>>> I know they want to drop the old style of desktop, but dropping 
>>> support for
>>> PS/2 keyboards is just whack!
> <snip>
> Surely your computer has USB ports?  Just buy an USB mouse.  If you 
> want to keep your PS/2 mouse, perhaps there might be a hardware way 
> around the problem.  When I bought a replacement mouse for an older 
> computer, it came with an adapter where you could can a PS/2 style 
> mouse to an USB port.  I checked on Google and these adapters are 
> quite inexpensive.
> Bill Stanley
You can also buy an adapter to allow a PS-2 keyboard to work thru a USB 
port--I'm using one to type this on a nice
IBM k/b hooked to my laptop.  It's not one of those little green things, 
it's approximately a cube about 7/8" on a side
with the PS-2 jack on one end and the USB male on the other.  I don't 
remember where I got it, but Cables-R-Us must
have one.


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. M. Greeley

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