11.10 no longer supports PS/2 keyboards?

sdavmor sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Fri Oct 14 17:45:45 UTC 2011

On 10/14/2011 08:28 AM, Jeffrey Gray wrote:
> If this is true, I wont be updating my servers as the rack still
> uses a ps2 kb and mouse on the kvm and I don't feel like buying a
> dozen USB singles.
> On Oct 13, 2011 4:35 PM, "compdoc" <compdoc at hotrodpc.com
> <mailto:compdoc at hotrodpc.com>> wrote:
> I know they want to drop the old style of desktop, but dropping
> support for PS/2 keyboards is just whack!____

This has the ring of being a problem specific to a particular mobo
IMO. But...all the systems here are on KVM PS2 switches, so I too will
be waiting a while before upgrading any systems to 11.10...just in case.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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