HELP! - installing Ubuntu to USB stick "trashes" hard drive

Richard Owlett rowlett at
Fri Oct 14 16:56:12 UTC 2011

Alan Pope wrote:
> On 14 October 2011 16:59, Richard Owlett<rowlett at>  wrote:
>> I found I'd been sucker punched on the next reboot :<
>> The BIOS driven screen comes up.
>> I let it time out, vainly innocently expecting Windows to come up.
>>    I get a simple menu the first several items are Ubuntu specific.
>>    The last option is Windows which I had explicitly "chosen" by *NOT*
>>       choosing an alternate boot device.
>>    *EVEN WORSE* if the USB stick is not there, I get an error message
>>       and a "grub rescue" CLI prompt.
> Sounds like you did what I did once. During the install you get to a)
> choose the disk on which to install Ubuntu, and b) choose the
> partition on which you want to install the bootloader (grub). I
> suspect you did a) correctly, selecting the USB stick, but b)
> defaulted to installing the bootloader on the first internal disk.
> So there are two issues you now have:-
> 1) grub is not installed on the USB disk.
> 2) grub is installed on the internal disk.
> 1) can be fixed by booting into Ubuntu and using "grub-install"

I've just downloaded that and to which 
Colin referred. I've got some reading ahead.
[As one how has written manuals, I approve of reading the 
manual ;)

> 2) can be fixed by use of 'fixmbr' I think

" could not be found." ;/
I'll try later.

> Al.

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