user deletion problem
ubuntu at
Thu Oct 13 22:09:58 UTC 2011
On 10/13/2011 02:01 PM, PM wrote:
>> ls /etc/*.lock and you should find that there is a passwd.lock and or a
>> gshadow.lock file. If so, have a look in them to get the PID of the process
>> that created the lock file.
> I ran the following and got the following:
> myfamily at myfamily-desktop:~$ ls /etc/*.lock
> /etc/gshadow.lock
> myfamily at myfamily-desktop:~$
>> cat /etc/gshadow.lock
> myfamily at myfamily-desktop:~$ sudo cat /etc/gshadow.lock
> myfamily at myfamily-desktop:~$
> gshadow.lock file has no contents to be displayed!!
>> Then find out if that PID is still in use (and if it's something that
>> should have a lock on your shadow files)
>> ps -e | grep pid_number (whatever the pid was in the lock file)
> I don't know what to do now? Don't know what these files are and doing?
> Simply tried to delete the user from Users and Groups but again not
> successfull!
This might be a little reckless without more information on why that
lock file is there and empty, but if this were me, I would just delete
that lock file and see what happens. (If you break it, you get to keep
both halves, so it's all good anyhow)
sudo rm /etc/gshadow.lock
If you really want to be safe, you can reboot in single user/recovery
mode before doing this. But I can't imagine what process would
legitimately be keeping a lock on the gshadow file, and I think this
must just be something left over from a very badly timed unclean shutdown.
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