Reinstalled Ubuntu 10.10 it's a no go...

compdoc compdoc at
Sun Oct 9 18:52:13 UTC 2011

>Ok here are the two outputs you had mentioned below...
>aufs / aufs rw 0 0
>tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0
>/dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
>Here is the output of BLKID
>/dev/sda1: UUID="6b3a049b-d0ef-4149-bb37-b38d4edd3beb" TYPE="ext4" 
>/dev/sda5: UUID="892480c0-adf2-4181-a0c4-881f16f51192" TYPE="swap"

That doesn't look the fstab file on any of my systems. Are you sure that is
not the fstab from the cd you're booting?


It's not mounting /dev/sda1 that I can see.


By the way, what is the result of this command?


sudo fdisk -l

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