Need advice: Ubuntu OCR techniques

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at
Sun Oct 9 17:34:36 UTC 2011

I'm new to OCR (optical character reading), have never done it before.
Suddenly I have a need.

I've been diving through old papers and have found hard-copy (appears to be
real Courier font, laser printed on white background) of a program I wrote
decades ago on a Macintosh 512K in Lightspeed C.  I thought I had lost it
completely.  I would like to recover it from the hard-copy without typing
~100 pages of code.  I have a scanner, and full Acrobat CS5 on a Windows
machine, plus all the FOSS of Ubuntu (tesseract, gocr, plus anything useful
in multiverse).  Does anybody know the fastest way to usable code from this

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD
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