Can not boot from grub menu...

Amrit Pal Pathak amritpalpathak1 at
Sat Oct 8 17:17:23 UTC 2011

2011/10/8 Conny Enström <uncurbed at>:
> 2011-10-08 18:00, Larry Shields skrev:
>> *Well it seems that I have a two problems, but first this one, when I
>> bootup my system I used to get a choice of which HD I wanted to start,
>> now upon booting up, the menu no-longer appears, and the system just
>> gives me a blank screen...Could it be that the MBR has messed up for
>> this not to work...??? If so how can I fix the mbr..???
>> If nothing can be done then as much as I hate too, I will just
>> re-install ubuntu again...
if that is the option then you can first recover your data and then
re-install it.

Amrit Pal

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