
Knute Johnson ubuntu at knutejohnson.com
Fri Oct 7 13:04:16 UTC 2011

On 10/6/2011 9:05 PM, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Knute Johnson wrote:
>> On 10/6/2011 8:42 PM, Knute Johnson wrote:
>>> On 10/6/2011 8:38 PM, Nils Kassube wrote:
>>>> Which log file do you check? If it is /var/log/messages, this may
>>>> be the
>>>> explanation - in a recent thread on Kubuntu-users Mark Fraser
> wrote:
>>>> | /var/log/messages has been disabled in Ubuntu 11.04 onwards,
>>>> | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rsyslog/+bug/762505
>>>> | explains why.
>>> I don't have a /var/log/messages file. When I was running 10.04LTS
>>> it logged to /var/log/user.log. I don't have that file either in
>>> 11.04. I've looked in all the files in /var/log and don't see data
>>> from the logger command.
>> I found it, it's showing up in /var/log/syslog.  I don't know why I
>> didn't see it there before and I still don't know where
>> /var/log/user.log went.
> I suppose /var/log/user.log like /var/log/messages was removed for the
> same reason - "to reduce log duplication" (comment #8 of the bug report
> mentioned above).
> Nils

There are a lot less log files now than before.


Knute Johnson

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