Converting a friend to Ubuntu - needs iTunes

Clint Tinsley clintin at
Tue Oct 4 15:49:16 UTC 2011

He is an active buyer of songs using iTunes and syncs with iPhone.


 I am pretty sure Apple has said there are no plans for a Linux version, ever. I was able at one time to get a very old version of iTunes running under Wine, but it was limited and would not sync an iphone. In fact, it did not even recognize it. That definitely requires Windows or a Mac. Apple does some things very well. If you like that kind of stuff, then you/he probably should just get a Mac.
 For the record, I have actually found Linux (10.04) with a copy WindowsXP running in a Virtual Box to be the absolute best solution for working with Apple's products old and new including the Shuttle, iPad touch, iPhone. I run a number of tools in WindowsXP for coverting files to iPod/iTouch format plus a copy of iTunes running there natively as well. On the Linux side, a number of Linux native applications are now compatible with iPod/iPhone interms of at least accessing managing the music files. Banshee is getting very high marks in this department. The cool thing about Linux, even over Windows, is that it recogizes all the Apple device storage formats, at least the ones I have worked with.

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