Gnome3 on Natty

Amichai Rotman amichai at
Mon Oct 3 14:38:02 UTC 2011

Hey Avi,

Thanks. I tried to follow, but I was missing git. I installed it, but when I
tried to follow further, I got an error regarding configure is run without
arguments, and then got an error the directory is read only and
'/usr/bin/ 506: ./configure: not found'....

How do I revert to Unity?

Re-install Ubuntu natty from scratch? It isn't such a big deal because my
/home is separate from the / partition...

I just want to run some kind of a post install script to install all the
current sources and packages, except the Gnome 3...

Is there a tool for Linux similar to "Create System Restore Point" on

Thanks again,


On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 15:57, Avi Greenbury <lists at> wrote:

> Amichai Rotman wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me how to revert to the full Unity Desktop, or  even
> > better - fix the Gnome 3 desktop?
> This sounds like it's as Gnome3 is intended to be. To fix it you need
> to install a few extensions, I found this covers almost everything I
> think is broken-by-design in Gnome3:
> Which also does most of what you're after. Reverting to Unity on Natty
> is non-trivial, since you've just replaced a lot of Gnome2 libraries
> with their differently-behaving Gnome3 ones. Oneiric's Unity is
> Gnome3-based so that *may* be a simpler way to get back to unity.
> --
> Avi
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