onieric power settings

Jared Greenwald greenwaldjared at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 14:00:19 UTC 2011

I think I must be going a bit crazy.  Recently, there was a large set
of updates to Onieric and apparently one of them messed with power
save and suspend settings.  Maybe I'm not the only one experiencing

I have my power save settings set to never suspend and never
hibernate.  Just have my screen saver settings set to power off the
monitor after 10 min and lock the screen.  Except, after the recent
update, once the screen powers off, it's also putting my desktop into
suspend mode.  Now, this wouldn't be much of an issue except for the
fact that this is also killing my network connection.  I often use the
off hours time to download large files from work and keep long running
jobs monitored.  I tried to just increase the time that the screen was
on before kicking in the screen off setting, but it seems that 1 hour
is the max.

Am I the only one experiencing this?

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