Virtual box latest version?

Verde Denim tdldev at
Sat Oct 1 14:07:39 UTC 2011

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes at> wrote:

> On 10/01/2011 07:25 AM, compdoc wrote:
>> I am running Virtual box (PUEL) vers 4.0.12_72916 on 10.04. If I click
>>> on updates in Virtual Box it tells me that I am running the latest
>>> version. But on**wiki/Downloads<>it says the
>>> latest Linux version is 4.1.2.
>> A few sites explain how its done:
>> ubuntu-11-0410-10-in<>
>> stallation-instructions-**included.html
> Thanks.  I already have the line they mention in my sources.list.  I
> thought that meant that I would receive update notices.  In fact I have
> received updates to the 4.0 version but so far have not been offered an
> update to the 4.1 version.  That's what I was wondering about.
> Regards,  Jim
> Jim
If you haven't been offered any updates, its likely that there aren't any.
I'm running 4.1.2 r73507. In looking at the site, this is the latest
release. If you open VB Manager and select 'Help' 'About' you'll see the
release installed. If it matches this, then you have the latest.


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