Virtual box latest version?

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Sat Oct 1 01:54:38 UTC 2011

I am running Virtual box (PUEL) vers 4.0.12_72916 on 10.04. If I click 
on updates in Virtual Box it tells me that I am running the latest 
version. But on it says the 
latest Linux version is 4.1.2.

Looking in Synaptic /contrib ( it shows I have 
version 4.0.12-72916 installed but also shows version 4.1.2-73507 and 
says it is the latest version.

I'm having some problems with a couple of my VM's and want to try the 
latest VB and guest additions. Will I need to install from Synaptic or 
will I eventually be offered a chance to upgrade through VB?

Regards,  Jim

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