non-contiguous files on disk

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at
Tue Nov 29 17:33:14 UTC 2011

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:18 AM, R Kimber <richardkimber at> wrote:
> I've just done a disk check on a healthy 2TB disk (ext4) and I'm told that
> the files are 22% non-contiguous.  This seems rather higher than normal (1%
> or 2%). Is there some action I should take?

Maybe.  Probably not.  It *is* higher than I've ever seen on my own
systems., but
I'm unsure what action you _could_ take other than copying from one
drive to another,
in hopes that the copying would tend to allocate contiguous space.

Is the drive nearly full?  Give us some more information, like the
output of df(1) and hdparm(8),
and anything unusual about the file sizes and growth.

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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