xfce weather applet
sktseer at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 14:58:53 UTC 2011
On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 07:36:00 +0000, Colin Law wrote:
> On 28 November 2011 15:30, sktsee <sktseer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> ...
>> 1. Remove the weather applet from the panel if it is running
>> 2. Install a hex editor.
>> 3. make a copy for backup of /usr/lib/xfce4-weather-plugin/xfce4/panel-
>> plugins/xfce4-weather-plugin because you'll be editing the binary
>> directly with the hex editor.
>> 4. As root, open the file and search for the following text:
>> 3c4cd39ee5dec84f.1121946239
>> 5. Replace that set with 4128909340a9b2fc.1003666583
>> IMPORTANT! Only replace the number portions. The "." between the
>> number set is not a period, but the hex editor's representation of non-
>> displayable characters. In this case, the "."'s are null (hex 00)
>> characters. Just move the cursor over them.
> That does not make sense to me, if you are using a hex editor then null
> should appear as 00. If it appears as a dot then that suggests the
> other digits are actually characters not hex data.
> Colin
It does appear as 00 when you use the hex view, but I was referring to
how the editor represents non-displayable characters in ASCII mode, which
easier to edit with. That's why I said to search for the *text* 3c4c...
Most hex editors (every one that I've tried, at least) have hex+ASCII
edit window. If you were search for a hex string, then you'd be search
for 33 63 34 63 64 (3c4cd). I warned about the period in case someone
just copy-n-pasted the key directly into their editor. That won't work.
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