xfce weather applet

Art Edwards edwardsa at icantbelieveimdoingthis.com
Sat Nov 26 19:30:58 UTC 2011

On 11/26/2011 07:33 AM, R Kimber wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Nov 2011 23:51:25 -0700
> Art Edwards wrote:
>> I get no data displayed on the panel and the applet seems unable to find
>> my location. My guess is that this applet uses an unusual port. Is there
>> any way to change the port?
> I read somewhere recently that something had changed on the website from
> which the applet gets its info, and got the impression that it might be a
> while before this can be fixed.
> I can't remember the details, but a bit of googling ought to find them.
> - Richard.
Thanks, Richard, for your suggestion of google. xfce has a plugin called
xfapplet that allows you to put gnome applets on an xfce panel. I now
have the gnome weather applet on the xfce desktop. Apparently many
others can be run under this. My only remaining question is whether
these applets exist in Gnome 3. Does anyone know? I'm going to ask in a
separate post.

Art Edwards

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