xfce weather applet

Joep L. Blom jlblom at neuroweave.nl
Sat Nov 26 07:38:09 UTC 2011

On 26-11-11 07:51, Art Edwards wrote:
> I get no data displayed on the panel and the applet seems unable to find
> my location. My guess is that this applet uses an unusual port. Is there
> any way to change the port?
> Art Edwards
I second that. I did the same and there is apparently something not quit 
in order with it.
And if I may ask another question: I am in Europe ( the Netherlands) and 
we use the Euro. I have the Euro sign on my keyboard (recognized as 
international layout) but in gnome there was a tool where you could 
assign a meta-key to use the third level keys but I couldn't find in in 
xfce. I tried changing /etc/default/console-setup by setting: 
XKBOPTIONS="compose:rwin" as adviced in "Ubuntu Documentation > 
Community Documentation > ComposeKey", but it din't work.
I tried to change the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file by adding Option 
"XkbOptions" "lv3:menu_switch,compose:menu" as adviced in another 
document but no luck.
Maybe somebody can give the direction how to solve this problem as it is 
an xfce problem. In the standard gnome I have no problems.

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