Can't install (lost Admin-password)

Tom Rausner tom at
Fri Nov 25 16:38:10 UTC 2011

Hi, out there.

> > > "The standard way" gives me an error when I type in a new password;
> > > 
> > > error manipulating the authentificationtoken 
> > > (my translation from danish).
> > 

I stil get this when I try to get in  from rescue mode, so I went back
to "The Standard Way", rearranged the lines of the kernel a little 
and tried again ->SUCCES(almost) I've got the root password changed BUT
it only works in CLI. It's still impossible to install anything using
the GUI. Actually I can live with that (I usually prefer working in CLI)
but I would like to know exactly what went wrong between GUI and CLI ?
Any wisdom to share, anybody ?

Tom Rausner
             tom at  ICQ:276707843
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If a billion persons belive they are monkies, it is called darwinism.

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