package updates

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Nov 23 15:07:18 UTC 2011

On 23 November 2011 14:19, Avi Greenbury <lists at> wrote:
> Udvarias Ur wrote:
>> I've been notified a number of times about updates since I installed
>> Ubuntu, 24 October 2011. Both for the system and software I have on
>> the system.
>> My questions is: How long does it take before the 'Ubuntu Update
>> Manager' notifies me about the new versions of software?
> I think it runs daily.

Daily is the default I think.  It can be adjusted in Update Manager >
Settings > Updates > Automatically check for updates ....

>> I just learned that both Firefox 8.0 and Thunderbird 8.0 were
>> released 8 November 2011. From my point of view the Internet browser
>> and the E-mail applications are, these days, the 2 most important,
>> read widely used, applications on any computer. This is how people
>> keep in touch with each other making Ubuntu and all the other Open
>> Source software possible.
> You wont get major version changes in software during the life of a
> release. Bugfixes and security fixes are backported from new versions,
> but a software upgrade should never change the behaviour of a program
> except to remove undesired effects.
> Firefox and Thunderbird 8 are not going to be in the Oneiric
> repositories. You will have to either install them by hand, or wait for
> Precise.

In fact I think Firefox (an Thunderbird?) are exceptions to this due I
think to the fact that security releases are not provided for these
once another version has been released (someone will correct me if I
have got this wrong).  FF 8 is already available in the Oneiric


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