Pushing RGA through the DVI port with open-source drivers.

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 09:59:16 UTC 2011

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 01:41, Jeffrey Gray <chevy4x4burb at gmail.com> wrote:
> You will need a converter as the signal is not adaptable.

Either a converter or a video driver which can push composite through
the DVI connector's analogue pins. It sounds stupid, but here is a
similar example for pushing composite through a VGA connector (which
like DVI analogue is component video):

Presumably, there is a standard (even if defacto) for which pins carry
which signals in that configuration. An old (2004ish) ATI card that I
was using with Windows XP at the time had such a driver, and I was
able to use the ebay adapter with the ATI driver to output to a
television over the composite output (yellow RCA plug). Fedora 3 on
the same setup could not drive the TV (so this must have been in
2005-2006 when the hardware was 2-3 years old). I do not remember
which driver I was using at the time (mesa?) but I would like to know
if the technology has progressed. I could find nothing relevant

Dotan Cohen


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